December 23, 2022: While not Yellowstone-specific I wanted to share my newest, free e-book: Backpacking the Iconic Pemigewasset Wilderness. This e-book describes my 3 day, 35 mile journey into the heart of the White Mountains, New Hampshire.

The White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire is truly an inspiring place. It has wilderness and a surprisingly intact ecosystem given its location in the urbanized Northeast. It is so pristine that I have previously written a book suggesting that part of it should be given National Park status.
The Pemigewasset Wilderness is the biggest of 7 wilderness areas in the White Mountains. In this e-book, I detail – using 395 pictures – my 3 day backpacking trip (July 7-9, 2022) from start to finish in complete and great photographic detail. I have been to the White Mountains countless times since my youth, and after all of these visits I have gained a detailed knowledge of the area which helps to put my experiences into context. In this e-book, I share with you, the reader, my experience while hiking the ‘Pemi’ in a photographic journey intended to awe the reader.
For more, including to download it, please visit the book’s link:
Way, J.G. 2022. Backpacking the Iconic Pemigewasset Wilderness. Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research, Barnstable, Massachusetts. 255 pages. E-book. Open Access URL:
December 14, 2022. Montana needs to change the conversation about bison. This is a great article, supporting the restoration of wild bison to the landscape, and calling out the ridiculous hatred that Montana’s Governor Gianforte and some of us minions show towards this ecologically important, native mammal.
November 28, 2022. Grey wolves infected with this parasite (Toxoplasma gondii) are more likely to become pack leaders, scientists say. This is a fascinating study deriving from this scientific article.
November 22, 2022. Doug Smith, Yellowstone’s chief wolf scientist, is retiring this week. I have known Doug for years and he is an excellent scientist and person. He is one reason why the Yellowstone wolves are world famous.
November 16, 2022. Court order changes wolf hunting season, effective immediately. This is very good news for wolves in Montana. It reduces the legal methods on how wolves are killed back to the 2020 regulations that were slightly (but not totally) more protective for wolves and protects wolves around Glacier and Yellowstone National Park. Here is a similar but longer article on the topic. Update November 30: Judge rules against suspending Montana wolf hunts while lawsuit proceeds. In other words, the original 2022-23 regulations are now back in effect and the Nov. 16 injunction expires.
November 10, 2022. The Alpha Female Wolf. This is a great talk by wolf biologist and author, Rick McIntyre. He discusses his latest (Fall 2022) book that has the same title and features the famous ’06 Female’. It is well worth an hour of your time for any wolf and Yellowstone fanatics.
September 27, 2022. Yellowstone National Park scrambles to meet road reopening deadline. This is/was a fantastic undertaking that is almost coming to fruition as the northern part of the park is close to opening.
August 27, 2022. Guest view: Montana’s wolf population struggling despite Montana FWP claims. This is a fantastic article and shows how un-scientific and wrong Montana (and ID and WY) wolf management is.
August 26, 2022. A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION: MONTANA FISH AND WILDLIFE COMMISSION REINSTATES WOLF HUNTING AND TRAPPING QUOTAS NORTH OF YELLOWSTONE. This is decent news. Normally the area north of Yellowstone had 2 different quotas of 1-2. Now the entire area is merged and it is 6. No doubt Yellowstone wolves will be killed but it won’t be a carnage like last year. For a right-wing governor and wildlife commission, this could have been far worse.

July 29, 2022. Yellowstone’s Famed ‘Boiling River’ Undergoes Dramatic Shape Shift. And here is an amazingly high quality 2 minute video clip of the damage the floods caused.
July 21, 2022. Rocky Mountain Massacre: Was Yellowstone’s Deadliest Wolf Hunt in 100 Years an Inside Job? This is a very detailed, accurate, and incredible sad story. It depicts how far-right groups have hijacked wildlife management, especially wolves in the Rocky Mountains. It also reveals some very disturbing and obviously inflaming investigations into Yellowstone National Park rangers hunting and killing wolves at the park border. To me, that is the worst of the worst type of person – one who uses his job to safeguard a national park to kill the very animals once they step out of the park. It is hard for me to express my disdain for that type of human. Update July 22: I am now acquiring scientific articles specifically details the rise of the far-right with anti-wolf sentiment (also read more here). Pretty sad, but obvious for folks on the ground seeing this first-hand whether it is eastern coyotes in MA or wolves out west.
June 25, 2022. Montana rolls out proposed wolf hunting, trapping regulations. They are getting rid of all wolf zones except the tiny zone north of Yellowstone (313 and 316) where they propose a quota of 10. I am more and more amazed at how wildlife management is specifically geared to the tiny minority of people who kill wildlife, and not the millions who spend billions watching them.
June 23, 2022. I am pleased to release my newest, free e-book: Yellowstone in Winter: The Recovering Wolves of the Northern Range. This e-book details, in over 450 pictures, the wildlife of Yellowstone, particular wolves and their prey, during the depths of winter.

Winter is the time of year in Yellowstone for bone-numbing cold temperatures and peace and solitude in the world’s first national park. It is also a battle of survival for many of the creatures who call the park their home. Due to the relative lack of traffic and visibility of wildlife against a white backdrop, winter is an excellent time to observe wildlife. My weeklong trip from February 23 to March 1, 2022 was no exception.
I was particularly interested in observing the Junction Butte wolves since I have observed them so often over the past several years, especially during the previous summer (2021). I was greatly concerned about them, and the other wolves, due to what the states of Montana and Idaho have done to aggressively reduce their numbers for no legitimate reason. Livestock losses to wolves are minimal in the region and elk and deer are over “objectives” set by the states. In addition, I also was psyched to simply be in the park during mid-winter and observe how other more visible animals, namely bison and elk, behaved.
For more, including to download it, please visit the book’s link:
Way, J.G. 2022. Yellowstone in Winter: The Recovering Wolves of the Northern Range. Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research, Barnstable, Massachusetts. 394 pages. E-book. Open Access URL:
June 19, 2022. Yellowstone aims for quick opening; flooded towns struggling: Federal officials say most of Yellowstone National Park should re-open within the next two weeks — much faster than originally expected after record floods pounded the Yellowstone region last week and knocked out major roads. This is pretty remarkable news given what I detailed just 4 days ago. Related: Yellowstone National Park to partially reopen Wednesday after destructive flooding.
June 16, 2022. Residents displaced, wolf tours in question after Yellowstone flooding takes out roads. This is a detailed article following June 15’s news (below).
June 15, 2022. In some devastating news, Yellowstone area experiences massive floods. Numerous stretches of the park’s road system washed away. Especially bad is the northern range where I (and 1000s of others) wildlife/wolf watch. It could be months before the northern part of the park re-opens. Pretty soon after the National Park Service posted that update, most national press outlets picked up the story, including the New York Times (detailed story), CNN, AP News, and Newsweek.
May 4, 2022. America is exterminating its wolves. When will this stop? by Kim Heacox. It summarizes how many people fell about the treatment of wolves.
May 1, 2022. Wolf hunt altered behavior in normally wild packs. This is a well written article with many quotes by Dr. Doug Smith of the Yellowstone Wolf Project and how the hunts have disrupted natural, normal wolf behavior.
April 12, 2022. Marc Cooke: Senators’ wolf column ignores vitriol toward the species. This is a great response to the one-sided, special interest editorial below (4/7/22). It demonstrates how many of us feel, not just ‘urban liberals’ who many wolf hunters claim to portray as the type of people wanting wolves better protected. On a similar vein, this well written editorial from April 22, 2022 shows that instead of worrying about the real-world many legislators in rural, red state areas complain about false narratives (things that aren’t true), like wolves and immigration, while ignoring real social issues.
April 7, 2022. Guest column: Idaho, Montana have managed wolves successfully. By Sen. Steve Dainesand and Sen. Jim Risch. This might be the most hypocritical article I have ever read. The entirety of wolf management is partisan with tactics and alarmist rhetoric, mostly by Republicans (I only say that because the authors are both of that party), that is not used for any other species. Livestock losses by wolves is a fraction of predator losses let alone all losses. Elk and other ungulate populations are mostly at record highs. The two states use inhumane and controversial tactics to kill wolves for no legitimate scientific reason other than to appease a tiny minority of hateful folks that don’t like wolves based out of fear and ignorance. This section of the column might be the most gibberish non-sense that I have read, “The Fish and Wildlife Service’s 2009 delisting rule warned that a Northern Rockies population above 1,500 wolves, which Idaho alone currently exceeds, would result in eventual habitat degradation.” That is entirely untrue.
April 6, 2022. For Wolves, the Culture War Is Extremely Deadly: In Montana, a radical Republican governor changed the rules of the annual hunt, endangering a great rewilding success story. A good article from Rolling Stone magazine. “Our wildlife shouldn’t be a political debate. It’s not Republican or Democrat. It’s what we do as Americans. It’s what we do as citizens for our next generation.”
April 4, 2022. I am finally posting some of my better pictures from my recent late February 23 to March 1 trip:
My flight was delayed on Feb. 22 and I was able to pivot and go take some pictures in urbanized MA of an eagle before I left for this trip:
Day 1:
Day 2 Feb 24:
Day 3:
Day 4 Feb 26 Videos shared:
Day 4 pics:
Day 5 Feb 27:
Day 6 Feb 28:
Day 7 Mar 1, posted March 5:
March 30, 2022. THE ARTICULATION OF WOLF 302. This is a very cool article about a legendary wolf that used to roam Yellowstone.
March 26, 2022. I am pleased to release my newest, free e-book: A Yellowstone Summer with the Junction Butte Wolf Pack. This e-book details, in 510 pictures, the life and times of a famous wolf pack followed during the summer by adoring fans.

Summer is the time of year for tourists, heat, and bison jams. For locals and visitors alike, it is an exhausting period because these three ingredients create a considerable amount of traffic and uncomfortable, irritable people on hot, relentless sunny days. However, nature and wildlife thrive in Yellowstone despite the mass of humanity in the world’s first national park during the busy summer months. My two week trip from July 21 to August 3, 2021 was no exception, and was highlighted by seeing the Junction Butte Wolf Pack on all 14 days. Yellowstone is quite literally the only place in the world where this is possible.
The ‘Junctions’ regularly hunted in Lamar Valley and Little America. These two places are open, grassland-dominated valleys where wildlife, especially bison, abounds. Wolves are often seen in these areas. This pack was one of the largest on record, numbering 34-35 individuals during my Christmas in Yellowstone trip. During my summer 2021 trip, they were down to around 20 adults and yearlings, plus the new pups of the year. Wolves mostly travel in small groups during the summer so getting whole pack counts can be difficult. In this book, I provide detailed notes and pictures on what I saw during each observation session with the wolves. I also provide images of other wildlife observed during my two weeks in Yellowstone. Lastly, I conclude the book by documenting the tragedy that the Junction pack experienced in winter 2021-22.
For more, including to download it, please visit the book’s link:
Way, J.G. 2022. A Yellowstone Summer with the Junction Butte Wolf Pack. Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research, Barnstable, Massachusetts. 481 pages. E-book. Open Access URL:
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March 10, 2022. Yellowstone Cougar Project providing insight to lions’ lives, deaths. A fascinating read with a good 2 minute summary video!
March 7, 2022. Plight of the (Yellowstone) Wolves. A nice, short 2-minute video by the ’06 Legacy’. The end of the clip advocates to visit to help support wolves.
March 6, 2022. ‘Unprecedented killing’: The deadliest season for Yellowstone’s wolves: On the 150th anniversary of America’s first national park, one-third of its wolves are dead. This is a very detailed article from the Washington Post about 24 park wolves getting killed at the park boundary, including at least 8 of the beloved Junction Butte Wolf Pack that I (and many others) have watched for years. The special interests involved in wildlife management is astounding. It makes the state of MT look like a bunch of backward hillbillies when in reality it is a pretty moderate state with an extreme Governor dictating wildlife management.
March 5, 2022. Five myths about Yellowstone: No, Theodore Roosevelt didn’t create the park. An interesting read.
February 22, 2022. Grizzly Bears Make Yellowstone Wolves Behave in Unexpected Way, Study Finds. An interesting article.
February 20, 2022. In some sort of good news, “Wolf hunting closes in south-central Montana”. I say sort of because the only reason why wolf hunting was closed was because the quota of 82 wolves was met in southern Montana. Unbelievable, over a quarter of those wolves were from a tiny area immediately north of Yellowstone. Managers ignored all of the pleas from around the world to protect Yellowstone’s wolves in order to appease a tiny majority of people that care to kill them.
February 11, 2022. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland Speaks Up On Wolves, But Is It Enough? TRIBES, CONSERVATION GROUPS, EVEN FORMER FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE DIRECTOR SAY SHE SHOULD EMERGENCY RE-LIST WOLVES WITH FEDERAL PROTECTION. WHY DOES SHE BALK? I couldn’t agree any more with the views of Mountain Journal.
February 10, 2022. Judge Restores Federal Protections for Gray Wolves. Some good news, but this does not affect populations in the Northern Rocky Mountain states of MT, ID, and WY where they were legislatively removed from protection by Congress. Here is another article on the topic by Earth Justice.
February 9, 2022. A New Vision for Wolf Conservation After 150 Years of Yellowstone: Emergency protections are needed for the gray wolf after the Northern Rockies sees the worst slaughter of wolves in a century. This is a very well written article, and well worth the read.
February 3, 2022. Critical!!! We have an amazing opportunity to protect Yellowstone bison. The link is from Buffalo Field Campaign, which links to the form to allow you to make comments to Yellowstone National Park. Here is my letter to the park:
“I am in great favor of more protections for Yellowstone bison. Legal actions support this as well. Thus, my main issues are:
No trapping or capturing buffalo for slaughter.
Managing wild bison like wild elk on public lands.
Evaluating impacts of a rapidly changing climate on the Yellowstone herds.
Accommodating the migration of wild bison on public lands in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and beyond.
Managing cattle to address brucellosis risk rather than hazing and interfering with wild bison migration.
Establishing refuges for safeguarding migration corridors and protect against overhunting.
I strongly support:
Alternative 3: Food-Limited Carrying Capacity
The NPS would rely on natural selection, bison dispersal, and public and tribal harvests in Montana as the primary tools to regulate bison numbers, which would likely range from 5,500 to 8,000 or more bison after calving. Trapping for shipments to slaughter would immediately cease.
I also support treating bison like wildlife and allowing them to freely roam outside the park and having common sense measures to avoid human-wildlife conflicts just like with any other species.”
February 1, 2022. Yet another article on the devastating effects of the wolf slaughter at the Yellowstone border: Massive wolf kill disrupts long-running study of Yellowstone park packs – Hunters have killed more than 500 wolves in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming in recent months.
January 29, 2022. State to shut down wolf hunting and trapping in southwest Montana once threshold is met. This is “sort of” good news. I say that because the commissioners are doing nothing about protecting a tiny area where over 20 Yellowstone wolves have been killed. These wolves use Yellowstone 95% of the time and occasionally step over the border usually following migratory elk. It is unnecessary and Montana refuses to protect them with their new Governor. Equally shameful, is how President Biden and Secretary of the Interior Haaland have done nothing to protect them either. Now, a “harvest threshold” of 82 wolves, which will soon be reached, is going to close the zone. Here is another article on the topic.
January 19, 2022. Wolves in Yellowstone Part I: Can hunting and tourism co-exist? This is a good 5 minute video from a local TV station on the special interests determining wildlife management in Montana (and essentially nationwide).
January 16, 2022. Pressure to suspend wolf hunting and trapping north of Yellowstone continues to grow. There is more information, including how 7 of the beloved Junction Butte wolves have been killed in the hunt. This is arguably the most visible wolf pack in the world. And this is all done to appease a tiny minority of the population, even in rural Montana.
January 16, 2022. 28 Yellowstone bison transferred to Fort Peck through quarantine program. This is sort of good news. The terrible news is that bison are not allowed to roam outside of Yellowstone National Park, except a few tiny areas. This is inexcusable. The good news is that not all are killed. Some are kept and quarantined (for way too long) and then transferred to Native American reservations and other public lands.
January 6, 2022. Hunters kill 20 Yellowstone wolves that roamed out of park. Such sad and unnecessary news if president Biden and Secretary or Interior Haaland just listened to conservationists to better protect wolves. We know the governor of Montana won’t.
January 5, 2022. Reintroducing wolves to the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem – Carter Niemeyer speaks. This is a good, detailed article of the politics of returning wolves to the Yellowstone region. Carter has some great quotes herein.