December 24, 2021. What is a Wilderness Without Its Wolves? This is a nice Op-Ed about the current harsh treatment (i.e., lots of killing) wolves are getting in the Rocky Mountain states.
December 19, 2021. Major outrage: 15 wolves hunted directly north of Yellowstone National Park this winter. This is ridiculous. It is absolutely amazing that a few individuals are allowed to kill the most visible wolves, especially the Junction Butte Pack, in the world the moment they leave Yellowstone. This is all federal land and could easily be protected if the federal government had any courage to stand up to the special interest agendas of state wildlife agencies. In the early fall the Junction Butte pack went from 27 to 24 after 3 were killed at the park boundary. Now, it is suspected that at least 4 more (probably more) of the pack has also been killed. That pack is now down to 17 wolves according to daily observations made by Research conducted by the park can no longer study the pack in a natural situation without human interference. This is truly a national travesty that could have been avoided by so many decision makers, including the Biden administration and Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland.
December 7, 2021. Outrage: 900 bison at Yellowstone to be relocated, slaughtered or shot by hunters this winter. The hunting effort is a bid to prevent bison from spreading brucellosis, a bacterial disease that can cause cows to abort their calves, to cattle. Here is another article on the topic. It is just amazing, and dishonest, that there is still no discussion about allowing bison to roam outside of the park (outside of private lands where they aren’t wanted) just like all other species. That fact is because of Montana’s racist-like treatment of bison and their connection to indigenous cultures.
October 28, 2021. I am pleased to release my newest, free e-book: Yellowstone Wildlife during Summer.

I have a love affair with Yellowstone. It is an amazing place with tremendous scenery, awe inspiring geologic features, and abundant wildlife, along with great people happy to be in the world’s first national park. I have been to the park 24 times up through early 2021, for a total of 213 days. I have written four books related to my experiences: My Yellowstone Experience (2013), The Trip of a Lifetime (2020), Christmas in Yellowstone (2021), and Mud, I mean April, in Yellowstone (2021). However, because the majority of people travel to national parks in the summertime, I thought a tome about wildlife in Yellowstone during the busy season would be a unique contribution to the literature, and would be personally meaningful to the many tourists who visit the park during the busy season to seek out the park’s famous fauna.
This major project came about, in part, because many of my Facebook friends (including family members) continue to be enchanted with the pictures that I post when I travel. For this pictorial montage, I combed through about 7,000 images from my 7 most recent summertime trips and select files from other trips. I chose my best 661 pictures during the summertime for this book.
For more, including to download it, please visit the book’s link:
Way, J.G. 2021. Yellowstone Wildlife during Summer. Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research, Barnstable, Massachusetts. 467 pages. E-book. Open Access URL:
28 October 2021. Wolves make a return to Yellowstone National Park: Biologists say the return of wolves to Yellowstone National Park has brought a balance to the natural world. But some say that achievement is threatening their own way of life. Michelle Miller looks at how new laws could affect the effort to restore these animals to the wild. This is a well done 5 min piece with Dr. Doug Smith of Yellowstone National Park interviewed.
25 October 2021. Understaffed Yellowstone strained by record tourism year.
4 October 2021. Guest view: Montana’s natural resources under attack by governor, Legislature. This is a hugely important letter signed by many wildlife professionals in the great state of Montana.
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28 September 2021. Three Yellowstone wolves killed in Montana during first week of Montana’s hunting season. The tragedy begins. All 3 wolves were from the world famous Junction Butte pack which I, and thousands of others, observed this summer. All to appease a tiny minority of people that wish to kill them. So sad.
26 September 2021.’ Yellowstone had 1m visitors in July alone. That’s unsustainable for US national parks: National parks are a victim of their own success. They have too many tourists – and too little funding.’ One of the suggestions in this article, was to create more national parks. I hope that politicians listen to plans, such as mine in the Northeast U.S., to indeed create more national parks.
16 September 2021. Service to Initiate Status Review of Gray Wolf in the Western U.S. In some good news for wolves for a change, the USFWS finally listened to the millions of people that want wolves on the landscape and are going to review if wolves should go back on the Endangered Species Act.
14 September 2021. US tribes demand emergency protection for wolves. This is good news; hopefully the Biden admin will finally listen as they haven’t so far in the first 8 months of his presidency. And here is the actual letter, phenomenally written, by the tribes.
12 September 2021. Mirror, mirror on the wall: The wolf as scapegoat. Feigning empathy, shifting blame, and diverting responsibility. A fabulous article written by Dr. Paul Paquet.
10 September 2021. Montana Defiantly Puts Yellowstone Wolves In Its Crosshairs: IN UNPRECEDENTED MOVE, NEW HUNTING AND TRAPPING REGULATIONS WOULD ALLOW EVERY WOLF COMING INTO STATE FROM AMERICA’S FIRST NATIONAL PARK TO BE KILLED AS A TROPHY, by Todd Wilkinson. It is really sad that wildlife management has become so politicized and the new Montanan political officials have such little regard for wildlife and the people who spend millions of dollars to see them. “Montana is hellbent on erasing one of the greatest wildlife conservation success stories in the history of this country and its liberalized wolf-killing policies allowed to exist literally on the doorstep of Yellowstone are a disgrace,” says former Yellowstone Superintendent Michael V. Finley.
23 August 2021. I am pleased to release my newest book: Mud, I mean April, in Yellowstone. Yellowstone is an absolutely amazing place and I hope this collection of 430 pictures from a 9 day trip in early spring clearly articulates that. Nature is in transition from winter to spring during most of April (and into May) so I love the diversity of pictures found in this book from springtime looking images to mornings with fresh, winter-like snow. April is the mud season where much of the landscape is either melting or melted snow. This produces hazardous conditions with lots of slippery mud or even more slick ice which is especially common on trails that are already well worn into the ground; hence the odd but hopefully comical title of this book. You will see many pictures related to this subject in addition to the abundant wildlife and gorgeous scenery. To increase access for all people, rich or poor, majority or minority, I am offering it for free to anyone in the world who wants to read it in an Open Access format, meaning it is free for anyone to download in a pay-it-forward format.

August 23, 2021. On the brink: As debate over wolves rages, leader of Yellowstone reintroduction honored. This is a good, detailed article on Mike Phillips.
August 22, 2021. The Beast of Our Time: Climate Change & Grizzly Bears. Produced by Save the Yellowstone Grizzly. This is a great 30 minute video on the importance of protecting Grizzly Bears in and around the great park.
August 21, 2021. Terrible news for wolves: MT wildlife commission adopts new wolf hunting, trapping regulations. What century are we living in? And to not offer any concessions to the much more numerous wildlife watchers around Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks – unbelievable. Wildlife management is clearly a special interest group that does not have the public interest in mind. And in equally bad news, it seems that the Biden administration backs end to wolf protections but hunting worries grow. Unbelievable. And he was supposedly a voice for wildlife. Not anymore.
From my recent trip to Yellowstone: Video-clips (3) of bison posted 8/10:
Video of bison near us wolf watching posted 8/12:
Video of wolves posted 8/15:
Posted August 6, 2021: Pictures from Yellowstone. I was in Yellowstone for 2 weeks from July 21 to August 3 and saw so much including wolves every day, bison all over the place, some coyotes, quite a few grizzly bears, and so much else. Here are some of my better pictures from that trip:
Days 1-2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6 video:
Day 6 pictures:
Day 7:
Day 8:
Day 9:
Day 10:
Day 11:
Day 12:
Day 13:
Day 14:
I hope you enjoy all of these pictures! Please read my books available on:
6 August 2021. Great letter from Mountain Journal: A Yellowstone Wolf-Watching Guide Wonders Aloud: What Century Are We Living In? IN THIS OP-ED, PHIL KNIGHT SAYS THAT GIVEN NEW LAWS IN MONTANA AND IDAHO DESIGNED TO DECIMATE WOLF NUMBERS, IT’S TIME TO RESTORE FEDERAL PROTECTION FOR LOBOS.
5 August 2021. Opinion: Cruelty toward Wolves is Erasing Conservation Efforts: It’s time to Reinstate their Protections. This is written by former head of USFWS, Dan Ash, during the Obama administration. I didn’t appreciate his lack of effort to better protect wolves so him speaking out really says something!
17 June 2021. It is with great excitement that I release my newest picture-oriented book, Christmas in Yellowstone! Christmas in Yellowstone was a great nature film, a bucket-list dream of mine to one day go out there during the holidays, and then in 2020 it became a reality. Yellowstone is an absolutely amazing place and I hope this collection of >250 beautiful pictures during the 2020 holiday season clearly articulates that. I wrote this as an e-book to maximize the book’s exposure as much as possible. To increase access for all people, rich or poor, majority or minority, I am offering it for free to anyone in the world who wants to read it in an Open Access format, meaning it is free for anyone to download in a pay-it-forward format.
3 June 2021. Review of the new book Yellowstone Wolves: Science and Discovery in the World’s First National Park by G. T. Dempsey on Geography Realm.
17 May 2021. More Than 100 Scientists Ask Biden Administration To Restore Protections For Gray Wolves: Researchers Argue Wolves Haven’t Recovered And Face Threats Of ‘Hostile Treatment’ Under State Management. I am pleased to be one of those scientists that has signed the letter and hope the Biden Administration will listen. Here is another article on the same subject.
17 May 2021. Spirit Crusher. This is a great, direct attack at Montana’s new Governor Gianforte.
16 May 2021. Manage man, not wildlife: In the battle over wolves and other animals in the American West, we must chart a new way forward. By Stephen Capra and Connie Poten. This is a very important article about special interest and corrupt group in charge of our nation’s wildlife.
16 May 2021. Let’s stop slaughtering innocent wildlife, in Montana and beyond. A great article about what is happening with wildlife management in the western U.S.
May 4, 2021. Yellowstone is Shooting Paintballs at Wolves and Says it’s for their own Good. This is a well written article!
Posted May 1, 2021: Pictures from Yellowstone. I was in Yellowstone from April 16-24 and saw so much including wolves every day, bison and elk all over the place, lots of coyotes, a few grizzly bears, and so much else. Here are my better pictures from that trip:
1 May 2021. Yellowstone hazes its habituated wolves, and it works: Wapiti Pack is latest target of non-lethal munitions like bean bags, noise-makers. This is a good article from 1.5 weeks ago.
30 April 2021. Indigenous bison, people both belong in Montana. This is a great article about the hate and ignorance that the new legislator and governor in MT are continuing to display. It is sad to see a relatively progressive state move so far backwards.
29 April 2021. Opinion. Gianforte dead wrong on bison. Another great article to go with the one above this.
31 March 2021. Grizzly bears retain Threatened Species status on Endangered Species Act. This is fantastic news! A science (not politically) based administration is already paying dividends for protecting our nation’s wildlife heritage. Hopefully wolves are next.
30 March 2021. In Montana, Bears and Wolves Become Part of the Culture Wars, by Jim Robbins. This is a very important article showing how corrupt and special interest legislators have become. This is shameful as I consider Montana my adopted state given how often I am there.
1 March 2021. Yellowstone Forever Being Reborn by Kurt Repanshek. It is good to see the major fundraiser for the park getting its finances back in order.
26 January 2021. Mange in Yellowstone wolves reveals insights into human scabies and conservation biology. A fascinating article with link to the scientific study.
24 January 2021. Grizzly, 34, confirmed as Yellowstone region’s known oldest. This is a pretty amazing story and the fact that this grizzly survived that long out of the protection of a national park is very encouraging.
20 January 2021: Mismanagement and the Domestication of Yellowstone Bison. This is a great article discussing Montana’s failure to treat bison as a wildlife species. This needs to change and bison should be given room to roam well outside the park.
12 January 2021: Book Scene: ‘Wolf 21’ will leave you howling with delight. A very good review on Rick McIntyre’s new book.
4 January 2021: The Howling Wilderness: Doug Smith Tells The Truth About Wolves, But Will Anyone Listen? This is a very detailed article on the leader of the Yellowstone Wolf Project.